Natural Drying of Cod Fish in Lofoten, Norway

Landscape, Photography

Cod Drying in Lofoten: As we traveled to Reine and Henningsvaer we found many fish drying fields. I found the fish racks very interesting and fascinating, so I took lot of pictures as shown here. Traditional racks for the drying of cod in Lofoten, Norway are used to dry in the traditional manner without adding salt since the temperature in the air is cool enough the fish won’t be spoiled. In Lofoten cod is hung on racks for a calculated amount of time, depending on the size of the individual fish. Around 16 weeks is the average length of time for fish to dry, based on optimal weather and wind conditions. I was wondering how they eat the dried cod; making cod jerky for snack and soak the dried cod in water to restore the original texture and as stockfish.

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A retired professional engineer, nature lover and avid photographer

2 thoughts on “Natural Drying of Cod Fish in Lofoten, Norway”

  1. shungphotography says:

    You might say I’m a food adventurer. I tried their gri the jerky, tasted a bit salty but a good chew. I also tried the grilled stockfish but I should say I preferred the fish soup using fresh cod.

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